athletic memorabilia collection form

We’re beginning to design the interior of Babe’s and want to celebrate the athletic accomplishments of our community! We are seeking two types of items: (1) flat memorabilia that we can suspend in epoxy in the bar top, to enshrine artifacts from our collective history, and (2) trophies or awards from athletic accomplishments that could be proudly displayed around Babe’s, either in a trophy case, behind the bar, or along the walls. NOTE: We are specifically looking for items that are dated/vintage/retro. Anything from 10+ years ago - the older the better! We’ve gotten submissions of current-day photos and while we love to see them, they’re not in the design scope for the bar top :)

Trophies and awards can either be permanently donated or loaned out for temporary display, but any items that are suspended into the bar cannot be returned. If items need to be shipped from somewhere other than Chicago, we are requesting that you cover the cost of shipping as part of your donation. If that creates a hardship, please let us know!

We will begin to collect and inventory items beginning mid-January, and are aiming to have all in hand by late February. Please reach out to with any questions! We can’t wait to celebrate your achievements (past AND future) at Babe’s!

Before I was ever in my teens, I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. My goal was to be the greatest athlete that ever lived.
— Babe Didrikson Zaharias

our namesake

Born in 1911, Babe Didrikson Zaharias stands out in history as one of the greatest athletes of all time. A phenom in golf, baseball, basketball, pool, she also competed at the 1932 Olympic Games and is the only athlete - of any gender - to win individual Olympic medals in separate running, throwing, and jumping events.

Babe showed the greatness that is possible for women athletes when given a chance to compete at the highest levels, and that legacy is carried on at Babe’s Sports Bar. We honor this part of her history by continuing to challenge the status quo as a sports bar that shows only women’s sports.

who we are

College besties, turned rugby co-captains, turned business partners. We are passionate about creating a space that celebrates women athletes and their supporters. We’re excited to see you at Babe’s!